Maximize Room Vibes: Top 3 Places to Hang Your Wall Clock for Positive Energy

Every object in the world stores some energy inside itself, that energy can be positive as well as negative. 

A wall clock is a machine which contains within itself a dynamic energy. Wherever we place it, it will increase the energy that is already there. 

Let us know the best 3 places on the wall of our house where positive energy is already there and hanging a wall clock there will increase the positive energy immensely. 

East wall: The east wall of the room is the wall of the Sun. By installing a wall clock here, your fame spreads all around. 

East Wall 

North Wall: Lord of Wealth- Kuber resides on the north wall. By installing a wall clock here, your wealth increases rapidly. 

North Wall

North-east corner is the most auspicious place of the house. Installing a wall clock here increases your fame and respect as well as wealth. 

North-east corner 

Wall clock should not be installed on the south or west wall of the house because the negative energy of Saturn and Rahu resides on these walls.